Year 3 Spellings for 03/02/2017

Spellings happy happier foggy foggier happiest foggiest funny funniest lucky luckiest Homework Next week we will be writing a newspaper report about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. You need to research the answers to the given questions and any other information you can find about the eruption. Write as much detail as possible…

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Year 3 Spellings for 20.01.2017

late later close closer latest closest wide wider nice nicer Homework Homework this week requires children to find information and answer questions using a timetable. Children have also been given a test style question relating to measurements. Just a reminder that P.E. kits need to be in school every Tuesday and Thursday for lessons. Reading…

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Year 3 Spellings for 02/12/2016

like dislike agree disagree appear disappear connect disconnect honest dishonest English homework  Next week we will be working in groups to write a factual report on polar bears. Each child has been given specific topics to focus on within their group. You need to research this information and make notes in your homework book that…

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